Theater Hof 2013, Conductor Arn Goerke, Director Klaus Kusenberg

„Amner­is: if the pro­duc­tion team wish­es to show­case ‘pri­vate ordeals against the back­ground of polit­i­cal world his­to­ry’, this under­tak­ing suc­ceeds most emphat­i­cal­ly in the per­son of the Egypt­ian princess. As the most nuanced char­ac­ter and the production’s most expres­sive artiste, Roswitha Christi­na Müller pro­pels the already high-class cast and indeed the opera itself to new heights: an extra­or­di­nary woman. Nei­ther ancient exoti­cism nor a present stained by civ­il war makes her so sub­lime­ly tan­gi­ble; the ele­ment which under­scores her vibrat­ing, shiv­er­ing, shim­mer­ing, trem­bling, pierc­ing and effer­ves­cent sopra­no so tremu­lous­ly and quiv­er­ing­ly is ‘more than time: love’. It is the ven­om of love, jeal­ousy — and its dis­tor­tion, hate. Amner­is pines for Radamès and helps dri­ve him to his ruin. At the opera’s close, the artiste lingers, bro­ken, over the cou­ple unit­ed in death and peace. She her­self mer­its the com­pas­sion she beseech­es for the dead.“

Frankenpost, Michael Thumer

„With her broad, ver­sa­tile mez­zo-sopra­no, Roswitha Christi­na Müller por­trayed Amner­is in a high­ly com­pelling, dri­ven manner.“

Nürnberger Nachrichten, Jens Voskamp

„ […] the vocal pres­ence and vigour dis­played by Roswitha Christi­na Müller (Amner­is) […] Her dra­mat­ic sopra­no proved the per­fect vocal vehi­cle for her envy and base­ness — a delight for the ears in her duet with Aida […]“

operapoint, Oliver Hohlbach
