„Roswitha Christina Müller delivers a seductive stage presence and forceful rhetoric …“
Nürnberger Nachrichten, Jens Voskamp
„Roswitha Christina Müller with her demanding, luminous soprano.“
Nürnberger Zeitung, Thomas Heinold
„With her elegant, energetic presence, her sister Fricka, Roswitha Christina Müller makes Wotan a worthy wife and is a delight to the ears with her clear, dynamic and powerful voice and a generous helping of élan.“
Opernnetz, Renate Freyeisen
„Roswitha Christina Müller minces over the stage as a wonderfully bellowing, razor-sharp Fricka …“
Süddeutsche Zeitung, Klaus Kalchschmid
„With diction as keen as a razor, Roswitha Christina Müller as Fricka tells him what’s what …“
Neue Musikzeitung online, Juan Martin Koch
„Until recently, Roswitha Christina Müller could be seen as a first-rate Amneris in the excellent production of „Aida„ in Hof, Bavaria, and she is now proving a real asset to the state theatre’s ensemble with her elegantly timbratic soprano. One senses that this woman, who uses her vocal and on-stage attractiveness so unreservedly, is at least as responsible for the misfortune which will befall the world of the „Ring„ as the God who breaks his own laws.“
Opernfreund-online, Frank Piontek
„And also Roswitha Christina Müller’s luminously clear mezzo-soprano, which lends the character of Frica emotional depth.“
BR-Klassik, Thorsten Preuß
„Roswitha Christina Müller as a just as attractive Fricka with a wonderfully clear voice characterised particularly by a firm vocal texture and powerful depth left an even more lasting impression than he …“
Donaukurier, Jesko Schulze-Reimpell
„The star of the evening was Antonio Yang’s extremely agile Alberich, who was, however, ably matched by Roswitha Christina Müller as Fricka, Egils Silint as Wotan, who stepped in shortly prior to the première, Hans Kittelmann’s Mime and Vincent Wolfsteiner’s Loge.“
Heidenheimer Zeitung, Manfred F. Kubiak